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tv   News  ABC  September 28, 2009 5:30am-6:00am EDT

5:30 am
>> good morning, everyone we are looking at nice conditions heading out this morning. let's look, it's mainly clear out there, conditions at this point in time, 54 degrees, that feels a little chili. we are not used to that yet. 58 in towson. and we are looking at mainly clear skies. we will be seeing clouds move in as we head into the next couple hours. this afternoon we will look at partly sunny skies, and then maybe a couple of widely scattered showers or even thunderstorms. the big deal is going to -- (no audio) quiet at this hour, i anticipate we will have a lighter than normal rush hour, a lot of area schools are closed bus of the yom kippur holiday. traffic is moving along at a nice place on 695, however if you're traveling southbound on the harrisburg expressway there is a crash at schwan
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road, that blocks the right lane. the j -- downtown fayette and mlk, traffic is quiet downtown this morning. thank you, kim. it's 5:30 new overnight pope benedict is visiting a basilica that honors a martyred saint. the country's saint was murdered at the gate of the church in 935ad. pope benedict plans to hold mass in front of 50,000 faithful. he will lunch in prague before returning to rome later today. 5:31 it has happened today, for the third time it doesn't matter, we have had an entire family erased, no more history, no more tomorrows for really no good reason. sherri johnson reports on the mourning going on in mt. airy. >> reporter: the community is still trying to come to terms with the death of a family of four, all killed in a
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murder-suicide. the community held a candle lining vigil to remember the family. friends of charlie and emmaline dalton are struggling with the loss. they can't understand why 38 charles dalton killed his wife and the dog and the children before taking his own life. he shot the family while sleeping. a friend made the discovery friday night. >> he was very kind and very loving and very suddenly he was always talkative. >> he is a good person. she didn't deserve this. she is a very nice person. >> there was no suicide note left behind, but police say preliminary information shows their may have been financial problems. grief counselors will be available at charlie and emmaline's school on tuesday. time now is 5:32. he was controversial at times, often with a tongue in cheek approach people this morning are remembering william safire,
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more for the new york times, he died at a hospice in maryland. he spent 30 years writing op eds in the new york times, he worked as a speech writer in nixon's white house and pen william safire was 79 years old. the ex-wife of convicted dc sniper john allen mohammed is publishing a memoir about her life with him. she says her book is based on journals she began writing when her exhusband took her three young children from her a decade ago. she continued writing when he was convicted of the 2002 sniper attacks that terrorized maryland, d. c and virginia. the book is called scared silent and it cop out next month. the strip mall that was the scene of a massive gas explosion will be closed today because of a gas leak. someone smelled the gas at the
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penmar forest shopping center and called 911. emergency responders found high levels of natural gas. they got someone out there and then they got people out of the stores quickly. back in may, nine firefighters were injured and several stores were damaged by another explosion. utility companies washington gas and pepco are looking into possible causes. here is what's happening today, september 28th, alley will encourage people in maryland to get the seasonal flu vaccine by receiving the shot himself. he will do that at a clinic this morning. elijah cummings is set to host an hiv aides symposium to promote awareness of the disease. millions of people around the world are celebrating yom kippur, this is the holiest day of the year for religions jews. the first family went sightseeing in their own backyard yesterday. they spent time at the
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jefferson memorial, washington monument, the first lady the couple's two daughters and extended family came along. the president's half sister and family are visiting from out of ton. what do you do you you show them around. look at the sites. that is neat. it looks like the number of women who go to baseball games regularly is actually shrinking. >> strategy was let's figure out how to integrate women into baseball and baseball into their lives and make it fun. how a couple of almost a dodger fans are getting more involved in america's pass time. before we head out for work and school, here is susan with your weather. thanks a lot. good morning everyone. we are looking at a nice start, at least a start to the day. it will be less than that as we head into the afternoon. for now temperatures at 54 degrees, relative humidity 93% it's nice and cool in case you haven't noticed. 53 degrees in mongton. we have a system coming out of
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the ohio valley that will bring cloud cover and a couple sprinkles and maybe a few showers around the region. if you're heading out to the bus stop later today, partly cloudy and a little on the breezy side in some places. so be aware of that. send it over to mark jones at the mta. your commute start is excellent on light rail and metro subway for now. no delay or problems. the mark train system is on time and the buses numbers three, 11, 61 and 64 will diverted at charles and center cleaning up from this weekend's book festival. out there on the number 17 bus a diversion at corporate and international construction. and diverted at saratoga. fshz show and tell
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you weren't always my favorite day. with all the pet han th i'd spend class preoccupied, bothered by itchy eyes. but now i have new zyrtec® itchy eye drops. it works fast, with just one drop, to relieve my itchy eyes from allergies for up to 12 hours. no other allergy itchy eye drop works faster or lonr. whhúis gdlcauseúths a a pawso k with new zyrtec® itchy eye drops i can love the air™. (announcer) find it in the allergy aisle next to other zyrtec® products.
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chevy silverado. more confidence than ford f-150. better backed than f-150. at a value f-150 can't touch. silverado. from the family of the most dependable, longest lasting full size pickups on the road. just announced, it's chevy truck month. get 0% apr for 60 months. or $6,000 total cash back on select 2009 silverado vehicles that have been in stock the longest.
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all right. i don't know if you've heard yet, this morning jonas brothers tickets go on sale. >> i did not hear that. >> they're coming back to the arena in november. >> jamie is your source for all things jonas brothers. sold out springsteen in 20 minutes. that broke the hanna montana record. and the jonas brothers will break springsteen today, watch. sheer is susan. we're looking at a nice start to the work week. mainly clear skies. outside i can see the lights
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and clear skies. no rain and nothing left from yesterday for us, at least not right now. temperature are 54 degrees, relative humidity 93%, for now the winds are calm. temperature wise we're in the mid to upper 50s around the region. it is pleasant. although it is meront chilly side than what we're used to the last couple mornings. mainly clear conditions. a system is coming through mainly to the west. we will see wind more than anything. a couple showers are possible this afternoon. hi around 77 degrees, but again, be aware of that wind, we are going to see gusts as high as 30 miles per hour. let's check out the roads now with kim. thank you. traffic is moving smoothly as we look at 95 approaching the white marsh boulevard area. a little volume in the southbound lanes, but moving at a good pace toward the beltway and tunnels this morning. we are looking two crashes in the area the first one will be southbound on the harrisburg expressway at schwan road.
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be aware of that howard county southbound route 29 near broken land parkway that blocks two lanes there. that will cause delays starting early this morning. as we look at the jfx, this is the jfx at northern parkway, traffic is moving at a good pace. let's check in with linda out in the field. >> reporter: if you like to go fast behind the wheel, watch out, dozens of speed cameras are coming to a neighborhood near you. details up next.
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welcome back, 5:43. it's not lifetouch or al kelly taking your pictures, it's the police. >> it's the police in an effort to slow you down. speed cameras will be unveiled later this morning. baltimore city will unveil the first of dozens along walter avenue. that's where we find our reporter joining us live. >> reporter: megan for years, speeding has been a problem along this stretch of road. when you have kids walking to school it can get really dangerous. that's glen mont elementary school. some are hoping speed cameras will make drivers slow down. right here at walter and glenmore avenues is where the first of 51 speed cameras will be placed. the cameras will take the place of monitoring devices like this
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one. baltimore city and county are moving ahead with installing cameras. the new law allows the devices to be placed within a half mile of school zones and construction zones. supporters say it will make the roads safer. >> the community is being requesting this for 22 years i've been in office. and i think it's a good thing. i think it will slow people down around schools. and we save one, two, or three children it's a plus. >> reporter: now here is a breakdown of what you need to know about this new law, it goes into effect this thursday. here in baltimore you will only get a warning for the first ticket, the first 30 days. after that you will get a ticket if you are caught on camera speeding. that ticket will cost $40, but no points will be assessed. later this morning the mayor and other city officials will be here to unveil the city's first speed camera. we're live in northeast baltimore, abc2 news. other top stories we're working on this morning, iran state tv confirms they have fired medium range missiles in
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a second round of tests to demonstrate they're prepared for an attack. also, iran announced today they plan to test fire a long range missile that is capable of striking israel and parts of europe. good morning america is on top of this story. we'll have the latest developments for us at 7:00. baltimore county fire crews are still investigating a fire that killed a woman over the weekend. this happened before dawn sunday in the 9000 block of deviation road which is in white marsh. neighbors tried to save the woman but couldn't because of heavy smoke and flames. maryland's new ban on texting while driving goes into effect this week, but some are wondering how it's going to be enforced. the law takes effect on thursday and prohibits writing or sending texts but not reading messages while driving. the assistant state attorney general says police officers will have a lot of discretion with the new law, and it will be based on what officers see, just like other laws. the new law fines drivers $500 if they're caught writing or
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sending text messages while driving behind the wheel. the cleveland browns might consider relocating to baltimore again. that's a bad team, isn't it? first and ten they run a quarterback sneak. he has a quarterback controversy in cleveland. meanwhile we are in pleasant leg, aren't we entertained? i mean honestly we have never had such an exciting offense to watch. after all these years of letting the defense set the tone. here comes cam cameron, don't you think the defense is noticing? the ravens are 34-3 winners. pittsburgh losses, our focus is on sunday, this is the test against the new england patriots. joe cool had another great day, huh? baltimoreian who is the ceo of los angeles dodgers knows about business. he was the cheapest guy in town that sold us tves, we've heard about baseball teams holding
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bat days and involved days to get the fans out. knitting nights? >> listen to this, instead of giving away t-shirts and caps, what it's like to be fan friendly in los angeles. >> reporter: ladies day has been a part of baseball since the 19th century, club owners thought women would bring in the boys. today at dodgers stadium, ladies bring in the bucks. >> bend your knees and sit back, chair pose one more time. >> reporter: one day it was yoga in the outfield. >> on another night, 300 women more interested in stitching than pitching. and every wednesday gene knee broadcast as play by play online that speaks specifically to female fans. >> still working on the yoga and martinis, thinking about it. >> reporter: it's all part of a marketing plan created by the highest ranking woman in major league baseball. >> the main strategy was let's figure out how to integrate women into baseball and baseball into their lives and make it
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fun. >> reporter: women make up more than 45% of mlb fans, more than any other professional sports. >> i always say behind every man is a woman and her checkbook. >> indeed this initiative seems much less about girl power and much more about purchasing power. check out all the supposedly female friendly merchandise in the gift shop. all of it drenched in pink. even the dodgers top team members are playing ball, teaching at women's baseball clinics. star hitter andre hosted yoga day. >> will this bring women to the game? it makes them more comfortable. >> reporter: baseball with benefits for uninitiated. >> i said i don't like baseball. who cares? we're not there for the ball game. >> reporter: they left as dodger fans. >> let's go, dodgers. what? i'm not reading that, go ahead. >> are you traumatized right now? >> i am. >> so would you go to knitting
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oreo go classes at camden yards if peter angelo said that's what the o's needed to win? or would you go because you like baseball? >> i like going to baseball games. i'm not going to knit at a baseball game. leave us a message on, find us on facebook and twitter. do not call peter about this today or tomorrow or the rest of the year. let's take a look at weather. thanks a lot, good morning, everyone, we're looking at a nice start, mainly clear skies. it's starting to feel like fall out there. 54 degrees right now, relative humidity 93%, and wind is calm picking up as we head into the afternoon hours. temperatures around the region, 54 in baltimore, 55 in easton, 63 in ocean city, 58 degrees in new york, pennsylvania and 58 degrees in hagerstown. we are seeing, well, yeah, we had cloud cover yesterday. and a little bit of rain, all
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of that has moved off the coast now. and we're looking at nice conditions at least for the first half of the day. then we have another system that's right now over the ohio valley that will pass mainly to the north of us. we could see a couple widely scattered showers, widely scattered and isolated thunderstorms are possible. the real story though is going to be the wind, it's really going to kick up as we head into the afternoon hours. rain wise we are not seeing much in the way of shower activity. even through wednesday, we're just looking at a mainly dry week. for today 77 degrees, partly cloudy, couple of afternoon showers are possible, but not real likeliment again, could be an isolated thunderstorm here and there. for tonight, 49 degrees, it's going to get in the 40s, a little chilly for us. partly cloudy, chilly and breezy. in the next seven days a slight chance of showers coming in on tuesday afternoon. the real story is going to be the wind. let's send it back to you. all right. susan. thank you and good morning.
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we have some building volume as you make your way southbound on 95 here approaching white marsh boulevard. traffic is slowing a little bit, but no real problems or delays to let you know about at this time. southbound on the harrisburg expressway you will see a crash to the right shoulder at schwan road causing major rubbernecking delays as you make your way past that crash. howard county on route 29 southbound approaching broken land parkway there is a crash there that blocks two lanes. traffic is starting to back up. try getting off on route 175 back to 95 showers and thunderstorms bund to kind of get around that crash this morning. as we look at the jfx and northern parkway, traffic is moving. to follow twitter to get traffic updates .com/ marylandtraffic. the honors that was bestowed on confucius for his birthday. how did bernie madoff pull
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off the largest upony scheme in history. we'll investigate that.
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discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa!
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all right. we're five minutes away from 6:00. good morning maryland.
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if confour husband were still alive, he would he would have a lot of candles. >> hundreds of performers honored his 2560th birthday in china. 10,000 people attended the ceremony, built by a grandson in the early 14th century. confucius included positive self discipline, maintaining harmony in your family life and peace in the world. think about that. happy birthday. all right. coming up next the 6:00 news. we hope you will join us. and things are looking great for you as you head out the door this morning. let's look at temperatures, a little chillier than what we've been used to seeing, 56 in towson, 55 in glen bernie and we are looking at a nice day. 65 by noon, couple clouds moving in and this afternoon, more clouds than sun.
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we may see a couple showers or widely scattered thunderstorms in some areas. 77 degrees the high, and watch out for the wind. it's really going to pick up as we head into the afternoon hours. stay with us, we'll be right back. no additives you can't pronounce. no artificial ingredients of any kind. select harvest from campbell's now has twelve soups that are 100% natural. all the farm raised goodness you want, none of the chemical stuff you don't. with ingredients this natural, we want to show the world. select harvest 100% natural soups, from campbell's.
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sad, so sad, mt. airy is in mourning this monday after what happened to an entire family this weekend. speed cameras will be up and running this week, so you better walk and not run to your car this morning. we will show you how it's all going to work. things are working good for the ravens for the second time in history the team is 3-0. the eyes are on brady bunch. joe flacco, derrick mason and the road, this is fun, fun to watch. they're entertaining now. we'll see what happens this week. in the meantime we will send it over to susan she is filling in for justin. hi susan. >> good


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